Chuck Carr

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Can God Lead Me Through Dry Times?

It doesn’t take long to notice when a drought occurs.  Plants, animals, and people all suffer when the land becomes dry.  Everything changes when the rain shuts off as the availability of water is paramount.


Sometimes we feel like we’re going through other types of droughts in life—emotional, spiritual, and mental—and in these times we feel empty, worn, and depleted.  These moments are often accompanied by our lack of gumption, focus, and energy.  If our droughts get severe, the mere mention of “hope” can make us aware of how little hope we hold.


During my own drought, I worked diligently with my writing but struggled to catch a creative streak. I searched for inspiration yet had none for those who follow my page. When the droughts come and our internal well feels dry, there’s not much available to pass out to others.  I took a break from social media for this exact reason. 


And so, I needed to make some changes.  I’ve been intentional about my choices lately.  I’ve moved toward things that will bring me health, peace, and a closer relationship with Christ.  During prayer times, I’ve tried listening more than speaking.  I’ve spent time doing more of the things God desires and less things that just fill time.


As a result, God used a recent trip to the dry, rugged countryside of Texas and a visit with great friends and family to change my perspective. 

It’s quite ironic how God used a land which receives little rain to illustrate how I could be watered best even in the dryest times of life.  God met me once again.  Like a gentle, desert rain, He freshened me and my relationship with him.  I’ve been reading His Word more, and spending more time with Him in thought and prayer has changed me. He brought me back to the simple foundations of where He and I used to be. 

To be honest, it felt like a cool, refreshing drink on the hottest summer day. 


Looking back, I now see a beauty in the dry times of life—a beauty only God can create, cultivate, and nurture.  Life droughts are precious because they bring us closer to God.  The dry times of my life have taught me the most—because He and I walked the dry land together.  He gave me strength when I lost a spouse to cancer.  His Word became alive when I went through a divorce.  He brought me peace when nothing made sense during my accident and brain injury recovery.  I’ve seen God’s beauty in the droughts.  He’s always been there.  He provides fresh water.  I’ve been satisfied.


I challenge you to do the same.  In our dryest moments, we can turn to God and have the richest experiences.  The life-sustaining water He brings to the table is the purest, most refreshing kind.


Comment below how God has been closest to you during the droughts of your life.


Psalm 63:1

O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you;

my soul thirsts for you;

my flesh faints for you,

as in a dry and weary land where there is no water.