Chuck Carr

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            I love Christmas lights.  As a kid at heart, I can’t express how important it is for me to see those sparkling lights against the night sky of December each and every year.  Light, in itself, is used and celebrated more during the Christmas season than any other time.  Lights surround us.  They are lit everywhere we see as people bubble with excitement in the days that quickly tick by counting up to the big day.  Regardless of denomination, church affiliation, or social status, lights abound.  Actually, regardless of religion, lights abound.  Oddly enough, non-Christians, Christians, and even other religions share a version of their “Christmas” as it is no longer just a day for Jesus followers.  Christmas seems to even be celebrated across different cultures and people groups. Ever see a decorated pine tree with lights in Bermuda?  They are there.  They get them shipped in and pay a heavy price for them.  As the single biggest event of the year worldwide, Christmas is the one day of the year that people come together, putting differences aside.  Traveling in any direction, as drivers and passengers, we see lights strung on everything from heavy equipment excavators to mailboxes.  I’ve even seen old junk single axle trucks all lit up, though they don’t function anymore.  My own personal preference is the use of white lights, mainly due to their simplicity and innocence.  The twinkle of a white Christmas light just does something special inside me.  

            Our home is donned with icicle lights, white and pure, as we do our part to share Christmas joy to those who happen to drive past the house.  Inside is similarly decorated, as lights are my single favorite part of the tree in our living room.  None of the other ornaments can compare, (except maybe the Christmas Pickle).  My wife loves lighting candles inside the house, as it makes things homier for her.  The flicker of a little candle can change the ambience of even a big room, and it makes a nice setting to our evenings.  Our family farm even displays a very large six-foot star up on top of a silo at the barn.  Usually right after Thanksgiving is over, the star gets turned on, shining its brightness for miles around.  It is amazing how far away it can be seen.  Lights brighten the eyes, heart, and soul.  I truly think it no mistake that we celebrate this holiday with such energy and use the simple symbol of light as the choice method to express it.

            Few things truly represent the Christmas spirit better than the symbol of candlelight.  Candlelight service is the single most significant moment of my calendar year. Christmas Eve wouldn’t be the same without the candlelight services that can be found in churches all across the country.  It moves us all deeply to watch the glow of small, wicker flames light up the faces of believers as we sing carols and thank the Lord for coming to save us.  Even unbelievers that happen to be a part of the service light up.  It is a one of a kind moment and experience.  It moves me in a very special place that no other church service compares to. It never fails to touch me. I rarely want to blow my candle out at the end.  It is too special.  

            Speaking of candlelight services, my siblings and I have other reasons to look forward to it year after year. We always have a smile on our faces.  Each year it never goes unmentioned, as we reminisce the old golden days of our childhood.  Not only do we enjoy the sentiment of the moment, but we also relish in the joy and laughter of what candlelight service has become to our family specifically.  One night when we were little, in the innocence of the moment, we noticed that my sister’s hair had caught fire and began to burn ablaze. Thinking it was both shocking and hysterical, we quickly had to extinguish it before she lost too much. The stir of the church must have been quite a spectacle, as it would seem to be something that could only happen to our family.  Candlelight service would never be the same.

But what does this light signify to us spiritually?

            One of my favorite passages of scripture is when the young Jesus was brought to the temple by his parents to present Him before the Lord.  There, a man named Simeon was brought by the Spirit and promised that we would see the Christ before he died.  We aren’t told how Simeon knew who Jesus was.  We aren’t sure if God whispered in his ear, or some sort of sign pointed Him out.  All we know is that Simeon picked Him up in his arms rejoicing.  Something was different about this child.  Somehow he knew that He was indeed the Christ.  How incredible it would have been to be in Simeon’s skin!  To know that your very own eyes would see the Messiah, and the promise of His coming would sure be something to treasure in your heart.

Luke 2:25-32

Now there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon, and this man was righteous and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel, and the Holy Spirit was upon him. And it had been revealed to him by the Holy Spirit that he would not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ. And he came in the Spirit into the temple, and when the parents brought in the child Jesus, to do for him according to the custom of the Law, he took him up in his arms and blessed God and said,

“Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace,

according to your word;

for my eyes have seen your salvation

that you have prepared in the presence of all peoples,

a light for revelation to the Gentiles,

and for glory to your people Israel.”

What a Light that was indeed!

            How fitting it is to metaphorically speak of Jesus as a “light.”  There could hardly be better words to describe him.  Throughout the book of Isaiah Jesus is prophesied as being this light… one who would come into the world to illuminate men to the knowledge that salvation only comes through Him.  Jesus himself compares His own nature as light.

John 8:12

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”

            Although this might be new to some people, many of us know these passages well.  During the Christmas season we often are reminded of Jesus being the “Light of the World.”  He is the only way light is possible, and He is the only way to clearly see our “need” for salvation. If you have never yet met this “Light” in a personal way, then you need to get a hold of another believer of Jesus and ask for help.  If nobody like that is around you, just talk to Christ yourself, asking Him to come into your life. Realizing that He is the only way, you can ask for forgiveness on your own, and God will hear your prayer and accept you “as is.”  He will meet you in the most personal and intimate way imaginable.  No other relationship compares to the one you will share with him.

            Although all this is true, the point and challenge I want to emphasize for this post though is slightly different.  Today, I want to call those who already hold this “Light” in their heart.  I want to call out the man who goes to work each day and brushes the shoulders of countless souls who are lost and searching in a dark world.  You are already saved.  You hold the “Light” that all others are reaching for.  You know deep inside the secret that satisfies, and you hold the knowledge of how to get to heaven.  

            I want to speak to that woman, whose circle of influence may be big or small.  Regardless of the size of your sphere, you in fact have one… and inside it, are people that nobody else on the planet can connect with better than you.  You may be the only Jesus that your circle will ever know.  Your name is written in God’s Book of Life.  Theirs may not be.  How long will you continue to interact with a lost world without allowing them to see the light that shines inside of you?

            Finally I want to speak into that child, young one, or teenager.  You might be five… you might be 18.  You might see yourself as too young or too inexperienced to shine the light you hold inside. Some of you feel too young to do anything of value. You think you need to grow older to be heard. In truth, a child's heart can have the most impact. Some of you feel that you are just a teen searching like everybody else for a place in the world. Though you are older in your peer’s perspective, you might see yourself as just a teenager with no voice or platform.  The truth is, you don’t know how great a voice you actually have.  No matter your age, you possess the ability to influence others.  In fact, teenagers may have one of the greatest voices in our society right now.  The way you present yourself, the stance you take, the way your image looks on Twitter or Instagram… it all is a voice you speak with, and you have a great big audience that is reachable to you.  

            So today, I want to call out to those who hold this wonderful, amazing, perfect, brilliant, all saving… “Light.”  To you I speak and plead with, because you have something that I simply cannot have or possess.  Hard as I may try, I cannot reach the people in your life for Jesus.  I’m not in your circle, and honestly, I may never be.  I may never meet the individuals that you come in contact with almost every day.  I may never see face to face your friends, family, and coworkers.  

            You, however, are the Jesus they see.

            In no accident or flippant coincidence, Christ Himself describes us (His believers) as the same way He describes His own self.  We are compared to “lights” as well.  He calls us lights, and that is exactly what we are.  In Matthew 5:14 He says this: “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.”  Did you hear that?  If we allow the same Jesus who saved us to shine for others, the city (us) that Christ sets up on top a hill CANNOT be hidden!  How incredible is that?

            Light can reach into the shadows of the blind and unbelieving world around us.  Light can pierce and penetrate the thickest darkness, the places and people that some may think are too “far gone” to be saved.  Light can reach your neighborhood, the one that is reaching and searching for a reason and purpose of existence.  Light can heal your family, even with deep wounds and scars.  We are His “lights” to others in need.  We may be the only illumination our world may ever see.  

            How do I know this to be true?  In the book of Acts a Jewish crowd would not accept the message of the gospel of Christ.  But God’s Word never returns void, and when He purposes to do something, He does it well.  Paul and Barnabus turned from those who refused Christ and boldly spoke to the rejecting people saying:

Acts 13:47-48

For so the Lord has commanded us, saying,

“‘I have made you a light for the Gentiles,

that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.’”

And when the Gentiles heard this, they began rejoicing and glorifying the word of the Lord, and as many as were appointed to eternal life believed.

            Did you hear that?  

            A light.  

            Friend, you might not think you can make a difference in the world around you… but a flicker of light reaches far and wide. You might think you are insignificant in your town or neighborhood… but light travels far.  In science, we know that light waves can travel in a vacuum, and since it does, can theoretically travel forever through space.  There is no limit to how far the light of "one" can travel. I challenge you to look up into the sky this December, the same winter sky that I love to gaze at. Each star floating around up there might think they are insignificant… yet light-years away they can be seen here and enjoyed.  In the same way, you may feel that you are just one small believer of Jesus. What if Paul and Barnabus thought the same?  Aren’t we all glad they did not?  The world was revolutionized by what those two men had to say!  Aren't you blessed because of what they have done?

            So for this coming Christmas, instead of feeling small and voiceless, let us turn to those who the Lord has placed on your path this holiday.  Life Compass Ministries is all about pointing people to Jesus.  We all have a tremendous job to do, and such an honor and privilege at that! In this Christmas season, let us take the time to sit still for a minute.  Are we hiding the light Christ has made us to be, or are we shining as “lights on a hill?”  Is there someone that the Lord is nudging you to shine for? Are there people inside your sphere of influence that you are being impressed to speak to?  Is there someone out there that you could do something as simple as just saying kind word, meeting them in their hurt?  Could you make an invitation with open arms to a lost or hurting soul this Christmas Eve, allowing them the chance to be at a candlelight service?  Or could you meet someone’s needs by possibly sending them a warm meal or small gift? Isn’t this “Light” actually something that we ourselves were not worthy of to receive?  It was God’s gift to us.  We didn’t do a thing to earn it ourselves.  As followers of our King, let us be that flicker of light that burns bright this Christmas season.  Live life bright with meaning this year.  Burn like a blazing star of the night sky.  Make this Christmas count for something bigger than yourself.  


After all, we are... “lights.”

by Chuck Carr