Chuck Carr

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Staying Strong & Grounded Summit 2021

Thursday, April 22 through Saturday, April 24

Sometimes life seems to get the best of us.  I’ve seen hardship in my life.  No doubt you’ve seen hardship in yours too.  We live in a fallen world, and because Adam and Eve couldn’t resist the temptation of that one juicy bite, we have been dealing with the consequences of living in a sinful world ever since.  Much of the content of my books, my blog, this website has been devoted to helping others who are struggling with the terms of living in this fallen world.  Sometimes it stinks. . . plain and simple.

And so, we hold our hand of cards.  The Curse has dealt, and as random as things might seem, our cards still might not seem fair.  The deck was split.  The cards were shuffled.  But why don’t we hold all aces?  Aren’t we supposed to?  Sure, there are some days I’d like to have a face-to-face with Adam.  I’d like to give him my two cents, a piece of my mind.  But then I realize the truth. . . I most likely would have taken the same bite. . . and I come back down off my high horse.  Still, the question remains.  What do we do when the cards are played, and our hand falls short?  Does the round we just lost define us?

Doesn’t God see what’s going on?

The readers of this blog have faced some pretty monumental difficulties.  Some of you are handicapped.  Some of you have suffered great losses in life.  Some of you have stared cancer and other horrific health concerns in the eye and lived to tell.  Some, sadly, have had loved ones ripped away from you before you felt it was their time.

How are we supposed to handle the array of emotions that comes along with the walk in this rugged life?

Early in the year I was asked to participate in a great endeavor.  Twenty-six people were assembled together with the task of using our lives and stories to reach and strengthen others.  Some were pastors.  Some were visionaries.  Some saw a need in our society, a hole in this quarantine-riddled landscape, and had a creative way to fill the void people felt inside.  It was a noble cause and vision.  There are hurting people everywhere.  When I agreed to partake of this mission, I quickly discovered the shocking truth of what had become.  

I pulled my seat up to the round table.  When I glanced around, I was taken back by the crowd I had joined.  Honestly, it was humbling.  I was in the company of a great team of faith warriors, and my situation and struggle seemed small compared to theirs.  There were people from all over the country, all walks of life, all sorts of hardships.  I was astonished.  One by one, soldiers of great faith had joined me at the table.  Their stories were tremendous.  I instantly felt part of a greater calling and commission than I could have ever guessed was occurring.

We were debriefed.  We were pulled together.  And what came as a result was beautiful.

The Staying Strong & Grounded Summit 2021 is an online conference that will both encourage you and bring you to tears.  To hear the testimony of those who have been beat down by the world we live in, yet refuse to stay down, will blow your mind.  If you are someone who has been discouraged by what life has handed you, I strongly suggest tuning into this conference.  Your faith will be strengthened.  You will bloom with encouragement.  With a team of over twenty speakers, the inspiration will take you higher.  You are a child of God, no?  You have a purpose filled life waiting for you to take by the horns and ride like the wind, right?  Are you tired of living in disappointment, rejection, and despair?

The early bird pricing is still going on but won’t last for long.  Check out the link to learn more about the summit, the speakers, the vision, and what to expect by attending.  Just hanging out with this team for a few days will make you keenly aware of how willing the Lord is to use you right where you are.  He cares.  He feels your pain.  But He doesn’t want you to stay there.  

Join the remarkable team of candles that God has placed on the hill of this fallen world.  They are shining brightly despite difficulty.  Come hear their stories.  Hear how to rise to the top and overcome whatever obstacle is headed your way.  Be the overcomer that God has called you to be.  The best part? You don’t even need to leave your home to do it.

My slippers, please?

Sign up for the Staying Strong and Grounded Summit today.

For more information, click the link: Staying Strong & Grounded 2021.

By Chuck Carr