All That the Locusts Have Eaten

            Everyone has a story to tell.  You may not think you do, but it is there.  The beauty of each person’s story is that it doesn’t have to be anything but the truth.  It doesn’t have to be glorified or sugar coated.  God has done something special in each of our lives, and when we tell of this story, it is called a testimony.  Our personal testimony, or story, is the most powerful thing that a person can tell.  It is incredibly powerful for one simple reason.  In the age of apologetics, where everything under the sun can be debated and disputed, your testimony cannot be challenged.  It is what it is.  Nobody can argue about your personal life story.  You’ve lived it.  It is plain evidence of what God did.  It is an incredible way to be a spokesman for Jesus.  Next week I’m going to feature a post titled The Power of Your Story.  I would very much like to see the comments of others.  Please write in.  In my life, I have not only heard great testimonies from pastors and church leaders, but I’ve also heard great testimonies from common, everyday people, such as you and I.  Each time you hear someone’s personal story, you hear a miracle.  All That the Locusts Have Eaten, just happens to be mine.

            Coming out September 4, 2020, All That the Locusts Have Eaten is my personal memoir.  In it, I open up the windows of my life and let others see in. Contrasting to The Convergence, which was a fiction novel, this book is the real deal.  It is a compilation of actual journal entries that I have written over the years, poems, literary pieces as illustrations, scripture, and real-life events, showing others the road I traveled.  The up and down journey that God took me through was a difficult one to walk.  It was no easy waltz, but a rigorous trek through the dry, desert wasteland.  What I learned from this journey, is something I would like to share with others.  Though my story starts out with tragedy, the encore is beyond what I can express.  It is too good to keep to myself, and God wouldn’t want such a good thing kept secret. Life lessons are shared.  God’s miracles are revealed.  His story, written in me, is offered for the rest of the world to learn from as well.

            As its subtitle suggests, God’s Redemption Through Loss and Heartache, I want the message of the book to be very clear. God can take any situation and redeem it for His glory.  There is no place too far, to low, or too difficult for God to reach into, and turn around.  He not only does this for his glory, but for our benefit.

Romans 8:28

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.

            That, in essence, is my motto.  If my life has tried, tested, or proved any scripture, it is that one.  I am a living, breathing, and walking testimony that Romans 8:28 is absolutely true.  Even when we don’t see it, God is working things in our lives, orchestrating and planning in his magnificent fashion.  It is amazing, even beyond comprehension or imagination, what he can create and do.

            So please look for the book.  I would be honored to not only share it with you in August but would also be honored to hear your testimony as well.  In the next few weeks I would be thrilled to hear personal testimonies, and would love to publish some on this site if permitted.  You can either send me your story as an email to, or simply post it as a comment on this blog post or in the Voices tab.  

            And don’t forget, next week is The Power of Your Story.

            Looking forward to hearing from you.

            God bless,

            Chuck Carr


The Power of Your Story


Out On a Limb