The Convergence

            Many of you know that the past years of my life have not been easy.  The ups and downs of life have both elevated me to great abounding joys, but have also battered against me like rough seas eroding at a rocky shoreline. In a profound way, the hardships that I have faced have forged and formed me into the man that I am today. Life has taught me many lessons; God’s hand has been strong upon me.  

            The reason that Life Compass Ministries was established was to reach the hurting and bleeding heart of today’s population and point them to a place where healing can be found.  I am not alone in my hardships.  There are thousands of people out there who feel the same emotions, struggles, pains, and sufferings that I have faced in my life. Even today, as I logged on to Facebook, I see the struggles of others bleeding through shirt fabrics in the same way that my clothes are stained with as well.  I see your pain.  Each of us encapsulated in this human body we live in are constrained to the concrete and elemental forces of the same human nature we endure.  Grief is hard.  Greif is real.  It never goes away.

            I have thought long and hard about how to go about doing this.  To finally reveal the cover of the book that I have worked on for so long is not a light thing.  Its debut is something that both bubbles inside me with an unprecedented fervor of joy’s expectancy, and a nervous anticipation preluding the satisfying sight of the healed hearts I hope to accompany.  In the early spring of 2019 I believed God breathed a story into me.  I had never written a book before.  The excitement of finally plunging into a bucket list goal of probably twenty years fueled me to write out the plot and story I believed God had given me.  It is a story that I hope can reach the masses that breathe and bleed grief.  

            With the objective to help, heal, and point others to Christ, “The Convergence” will be made available in print form and electronically to readers very soon.  It is a touching and compelling fiction book designed to walk others through the process of grief similar to the one I was forced to travel.  Although categorized as a Christian romance, the same basic principles of the story can apply to any aspect of grief.  It is an inspirational novel, where even those who are currently entrenched in the grieving process can see that there is hope- the message and banner I want to flag from the highest mountain. Although the painful feelings of losing a loved one never truly go away, it is possible to heal, and there is a God waiting to help walk you through the hardest of times.

            Soooo… without further delay I wish to release the cover, and the first look at the novel.  Information will follow in the coming days, weeks.  I am extremely eager to show the world what the Lord has shown to me, and am confident that this novel will prove to be a great read for many.  To those suffering from sickness, loss, heartache, death, and the plaguing/haunting question of “why?” … healing is around your corner.  There is hope.  Hope, is within your reach.


Comfort Food


Higher Resolution