Chuck Carr

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Voice. It is something we all desire. To be heard. To be acknowledged. To be validated. To receive help. To be a help.

            Today’s post is an unusual one.  First of all, I want to personally thank all of you who have become a vital part of this website.  Every time you join in to read along, you are giving strength to the effort of becoming life compasses for Jesus.  Each time you come aboard, it gives energy to the mission at hand.  This website is becoming a safe heaven for many hurting people.  Thank you for your support.              

There are many people reading this blog now days, and many of you have read from places all over the world.  There have been people from eight different countries so far who have caught a glimpse of the content in this blog. Thanks to all of you who have been joining me each week.  Let’s keep passing the news around.  Hurting people need this site.

            The idea hit me the other day that if this is truly a safe heaven of a website for hurting people to run to, then these same people may need a voice here as well.  To have a place where they can safely voice their hurt or pain without criticism or risk of someone looking down on them would be a valuable tool in the toolbox of their healing process.  Sometimes we need to get things off our chest or mind, and sometimes we need a person out there to be an ear to hear.  

            In the attempt to create such a place, the voices tab on this website can be a location to dump the heavy grieving burdens that many people carry.  It can also be a place where we can encourage those who need an emotional boost. Our brothers and sisters out there in the world who don't have a secure support group around them can now come to this site as a place to lean for stability.  I hope that this idea takes root and it becomes a healthy place for everyone, anywhere, in whatever stage of grief or hurting they may find themselves in.  We truly need each other.

Galatians 6:2

Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

            Today I want to open the invitation to use this website interactively, as a tool to help those who are in the trenches, allowing healing to occur.  I encourage those who have suffered loss to post their burdens.  I encourage those who have come out on the other side to lift hurting brothers and sisters up, supporting them and lifting them.  We can pray for one another.  We can uplift each other.  We can be there for one another.

            Healing is possible.  This is one more aid in that process.


Chuck Carr